Breasts and self esteem

Breast Specialist

In todays competitive times , the size of the body is directly proportionate to the size of your self esteem and self worth .

Too fat or too thin leads to low self esteem and confidence .

Who sets beauty standards anyway ?

Somewhere in the interiors of South Africa the longer your neck is the more beautiful you are . Somewhere else in the world, the bigger your ear piercings are the more appealing you look . Beauty truly lies in the eyes of the beholder .

The main purpose here is to be happy and healthy mind body soul .

Having said that to achieve the perfect figure that is according to the Indian beauty standards, there are a few great doctors and specialist doctors in chiplun , and all over Mumbai and india.

There are a number of reasons why women consult breast specialist . It could be because of cosmetic reasons, or it could be because of medical reasons like cancer etc . 

Breast specialist doctors in chiplun cater to every need let it be medical or cosmetic .

The breast specialist doctors in chiplun and other cities, before coming up with a diagnosis ,examine the breasts thoroughly to determine if the breasts are normal or abnormal .

Comparing the size and the symmetry of both the breasts , also looking for lumps or any other health conditions present .

Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in women, and the second leading cause of death in women . A breast specialist doctor will have to do a biopsy to determine the cause of the abnormality and pain if any .

There are different treatment options available for  breast cancer

  1. Surgery

2. Radiation

3. Chemotherapy

4. Hormonal therapy

A highly competent breast specialist doctor ,would definitely advise you against any unnecessary procedures unless its absolutely required .

Having said that .

In a recent survey, the size of the breasts, big or small,can lead to low self esteem ,low self worth, depression , eating disorders , aggression , social distancing and other mental conditions .

A woman with small breasts may tend to feel less feminine, where as a woman with huge breasts may tend to feel fat.

In many cases the surgery isn’t about making them more beautiful but it is about making them feel that they fit in .

That age old saying that beauty is skin deep and you should be beautiful from within ,gets lost in translation with so much competition , media , and marketing on beauty products that make you fair , increase breast size , slimming teas etc etc .

People tend to contribute too, in this pandemic of low self esteem by passing degrading remarks on small or large breasts as a way of making fun of others .

Body shaming should not be tolerated as it can have highly negative detrimental emotional effects .

In a recent study , many women have reported an increase in their confidence levels after getting a breast implant or an augmentation done.

This indeed is the top cosmetic surgery performed today .

Your body and your looks are truly a gift from god . In the end if its not up to the current standards of beauty , there are ways and means to get that rectified by experts in the field . 

Published by oncolifecare

Onco-Life Cancer Centre is the promising cancer hospital in Chiplun, Maharashtra offering treatment ranging from breast cancer, hematology etc. For more details, visit here

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